Monday, August 15, 2011

Thank you for the Gifts, Ladies!

Another mention of thanks goes to the ladies for all the gifts!  I would especially like to thank the lady who gifted the cactus child is exceptionally grateful...  ;)

And another special thank you to my most wonderful director in the world, John...who keeps giving and giving (yep, I got that special package in the mail today!)...I don't deserve you, but I am forever thankful!  Thank you for your kind heart, all the kind words,  and all you have done not only for me, but for all your girls! You are a true blessing and gift!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Now For More Las Vegas!

After the pageant was finished, Eric treated us to dinner at 8 at the Wynn and some time out.  I made my first and only attempt at the slots...nothing happened, but I know I had no idea what I was doing either, so I'm not surprised!

The next day we drove out to the mountains with coffee in hand - already getting back to doing our favorite rides, sight seeing and coffee!!!  I personally loved the signs that said to watch for wild burros!!!  Then we enjoyed more shopping, watched the show La Reve  (AMAZING - see the attachment below!!!), and finished up the night dining at Tao'...definitely my favorite of the places we went!

Oh, Julie...the cake picture is for you...and I have more!!!  ;)

Some Thanks and Recognition...

Philippians 1:3
"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God."

Taking a break before posting more photos to mention a few special people that made this such a great experience...

Of course, I will thank Eric again because there is not enough thanks for thank you, Tender, for everything! ;)

To John, Jason, Janet, and everyone at Vanbros:  You are the most unbelievable team of directors.  I can not thank you enough for being so thoughtful, so informative, helpful, generous and go above and beyond to make your queens feel like they are priceless.  Thank you for all the wardrobe help, the ad page, gifts and phone calls.  Thank you for your constant encouragement throughout the pageant.  I am honored to be one of your girls!  God bless you for being the way you are!

To my "sister girls" in Vanbros...

Melissa, I am so proud of you, and thank you for all the insight and help beforehand when I couldn't be at boot camp, and for always making not only me, but everyone else feel so special around you.  You are beautiful inside and out and I adore you! I am forever grateful we got to have another chance to be together in you!

Amanda, you are an inspiration and an angel.  You are so lovely and I am so proud of your accomplishment and grace.  I love your spirit and am grateful for the friend I have in you.  It was so sweet to get random "Amanda Hugs" through the week "just because" you!

Karen, your sensitivity and style are so beautiful.  You were so gracious and inclusive, kind and sweet, and I consider it pure joy to be around you. I appreciate your realness and honesty. Thank you for your you!

Carrie, your story is inspirational...I still can't believe you made us cry at lunch...but a good cry and I am proud of you for carrying on such a tradition.  Your kindness and willingness to help and be there for others speaks volumes of your heart. You are truly you!

Christy, thank you for your generosity to your sisters.  You always had a smile on your face, and your concern for comforting others was so sweet to see.  I am proud of you for your grace and humility, your beauty goes beyond what others you!

To some other special sisters...

Brandy, thank you for friending me so early, for sending me so much information on Celiac, and for being so generous with your time.  I appreciate your kindness and compassion.

Blythe, for immediately wanting to help others at all times, for taking care of my feet before interviews - not many would do that!!! For being such a sweet part of the pageant and for your amazing, inspirational story...I am in awe...

Christie, for being a fun, fab line partner at every turn.  You are such a sweetheart and I appreciate your spunk.  Hawaii is lucky to have you represent them so well.

Lisa IN, for being the "I got your back" girl, for watching trains and any other wardrobe that might have are a sweetheart and so thoughtful!

Andi, for just being real...and being real funny...hugs!

Dr. Christine, thank you for being so willing to care for so many people at the pageant, for being such a sweetheart and being zipper buddies...I love your genuine heart and spirit. You are amazing to me!

Nikoll, for being a hoot and a half, making everyone smile around you and "just going with it"...your laid back, easy going disposition made any nerves ease in a heartbeat!

Lisa NY...for your prayers...thank you for all your prayers...  ;)

Lisa VI, love you so for your sweetness and your was a joy to get to know you...

To my friends and family...

Thank you, Mom and Dad for all the driving to meet up and care for Elena, and for all the prayers!  I love you!

To my small group...thank you for all the prayers and encouragement...I love you and am so very, very grateful for you! Dave and Kathy, thank you for the gorgeous roses!

To my Illinois Sisters, Michele, Kaili, Maria, Julie and Dee...thank you for your encouragement, emails, letters and well wishes...Dee, thank you for my tan so I would have color on stage, and for all the help, love and support, and to Julie for all your input, love, drive and texts...I don't know what I would do without you.  I love you all very, very much!

To my sister queens from Mrs. America who sent me well wishes, I am deeply moved by your constant care!

To Stephanie, Rachel and Chiann, thank you for your support, kind words and encouragement.  You are beautiful examples of what Mrs. United States is all about.

Breanna, thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to Ideal Protein and coming alongside me to help me lose weight and get healthy again.  You have been such a wonderful friend!

Nor, I am indebted to you for always making me look beautiful, and this time was no exception!  Bless you for your generosity.

Julie, Wendy and Shannon, thank you for being an automatic cheering section, for hugs and support!  You are all so lovely.  Thank you!

Megan, thank you for always giving me more credit than I deserve. I love you and your friendship to me.

Rena, for my beautiful flowers and for always being there to cheer me on! XOXOXO

To my girls, Julie, Rene', Maria, Mary, Michelle, Lori, Pam, Annette, and Jackie...thank you for being so beautiful to me.

I am so blessed...God has been so good to me through all of you. Thank you...thank you, Father in Heaven, for putting each one of these people in my life, and showing how awesome You are through them in so many ways.


Again, I'll have more photos when the order comes in from our official photographer, but here's a few at the end, with Melissa (TX) and Stephanie (Mrs. US 2007), as well on stage in the red dresses and with Breanna (MN AM 2010 and my Ideal Protein Wonder Woman!) afterward.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Preliminary night was the night to share our state costumes, and compete in swimsuit and gown...not many photos of that yet, but I will share them when they come in!  :)  Here's my stage buddy, Hawaii, in costume...and I had to get a photo of Maine chowing down on a candy bar in part of her costume (she had gorgeous wings that went with it!) that's beautiful...a beauty queen enjoying chocolate...and yes, I had her permission for this shot!  Priceless!

Swim Photo Shoot, Practice, and Interviews!

The morning was spent taking the swimsuit photos, then a full day of practice, and finalizing the night with interviews...amazing stage, and LOOK AT THOSE BATHING BEAUTIES!!! (I only got a quick shot of a few ...)

Date Night!!!

After we returned from the show, Eric and I had time to go out to eat and walk around a bit, so we chose to go to the Wynn for food and fun!  This place is so pretty, and definitely one we'll come back to for a visit in the future!  LOVED the lit trees!!!  We also came back for a show later in the week! 

Day Two...Practice and Gifts!!!

We jumped right into practice the next day, learning to "Live la Vida Loca", and walk like there's no tomorrow!  We also got to start exchanging gifts which is always fun...BONUS!  Lots of creative and very generous ladies!  Thank you!!!

That night we went out to the Luxor and attended Menopause the Musical...HILARIOUS!  They had us up and dancing at the end, and afterward took photos with the cast.  Lovely ladies and very talented! 

First Day!

The first day included orientation to turn in any last minute items, get our program books and get to meet Catherine, our contestant coordinator.  The evening that followed was a welcome buffet dinner and an opportunity to get acquainted with some of the contestants. 

The Vanbros girls have a tradition of wearing hats - part of the gift package given to their winners - when attending orientation.  A special thank you to John for helping put together my outfit and being ever the excited, encouraging director!  He is SO much fun!

PS - we are missing Sweet Karen, our Mrs. Arkansas, in the hat photos!!!  :(

Mrs. United States!

The 25th Anniversary of the Mrs. United States Pageant was held at the stylish Hilton Las Vegas, with a top notch show choreographed by the talented Natalie Carson.  Contestants enjoyed delicious food, thoughtful contestant gifts, a trip to the Luxor hotel to see the musical Menopause, and worked hard to put together a terrific performance for the audience and judges in the hopes of getting the chance to become Mrs. United States.  There were 54 lovely ladies, each with a cause and cares worthy of the crown, and at the end of it all I think we all came away with something special.

I got to see Las Vegas for the first time, spent a pageant week with my husband, got to be with my sweet Melissa again (from Mrs. America) as well as reconnect with Coral (our WI), and make some new friends as well.  I'll have several posts, and of course will have pictures from our photographer, Joe Pier and Ernesto, in the weeks to come.

This was especially great for me because I set a goal and met it...after dealing with health issues that caused me to get sick and gain weight, one of the great parts of this experience was the push that got me the help I needed and after working harder than I have ever had to, I lost 20 lbs for the better.  I will always have to work for this now and I know I will never be a fitness extraordinaire, but it has made me grateful for what I have, who I am and the "physical" that God has given me for this time.  It's a lesson in humility standing amongst some of the most beautiful ladies in bikinis...but what a beautiful REALITY it is to be assured your outward appearance is not your most beautiful part nor does it have to be (thank you Tender, and sweet friends for your constant reminders! ;)  ), and certainly not your defining quality! I was standing in good company of beautiful women inside and out, and I am honored to have been a part of their class.

I will also have some messages of "thanks" throughout these as well...there are some special girls that should be mentioned, my directors, and of course friends, family and hubby all deserve mentions!  So stay tuned!!!

First Photos are arriving in Las Vegas:

Our View from the hotel, coming into the're met with slot machines immediately!!! Caesar's Palace...enjoy!

First thanks:
Eric, thank you for taking us, providing so much, replacing my interview dress the day we arrived after finding out it was ruined, finding a Jo Anne Fabrics so I could hem it, and finish my evening gown skirt...thank you for getting food for me when I wasn't feeling good, and checking in all week to make sure there wasn't anything I needed, and even thinking of things I would need before I ever asked. Thank you for making our last day there extra special, going to the mountains, taking us to a show, and taking us to amazing dining experiences through out.  Thank you for your encouragement and love.  I love you very much!